Bring kindness into your workplace


Spending time at Heartlands Church in Casino last Sunday morning and having the pleasure of sharing ideas with the crew from the local Global Care team was a delight. Last year the team for National Others Week held a BBQ in the local school to celebrate the children and to encourage them to be kind to others. Joan McKee shared some her successes at her workplace last year and felt inspired to encourage other people to bring kindness into their own workplaces.  Joan penned some thoughts to share with you:

I work at Summerland Christian College in Lismore, NSW and I thought I could do something! I spoke to the Principal and staff and they all said… “Go for it” So for that whole week, the College celebrated NOW! With the Primary students creating posters… With every one receiving a.. Certificate of Participation! High School students started each day with a card on which to write their goals for the day. Then on the Friday… Primary students brought in yummy goodies for a cake stall and the High Schoolers operated a BBQ, Sausage Sizzle. From this day we raised $1,290:80 and this money was sent to Global Care in Penrith to help the Bushfire Victims!! We even made it into our local paper… So looking forward to what we are going to do this year…. As the College has that week already marked off on the calendar for this year!!!


The wonderful highlight for me from this experience is that Joan has also multiplied out her efforts for this year, inviting other churches and businesses to become involved because at the end of the day, it was FUN.  People had a blast and felt great as they were doing something that is worthwhile. Everybody wins.

How will you bring kindness to your workplace? 


Our Global team is growing

Keep an eye out for our newest members of the Global team. Welcome to South America, Kibera Africa, As well as the Solomon Islands and PNG for the South Pacific Islands.

Keep an eye out for acts of kindness on our Pinterest Map, image

which includes acts of kindness across the globe.

Community Kindness: Thankyou to Auburn Salvation Army


Picking my daughter up from Bunnings Parramatta after work has become an opportunity to meet kind people in the community who are manning the bbq out the front with a goal to raise money for their community project.

Heres a Public thank you to a great team from the Auburn Salvation Army who are raising money for their community projects.

auburn salvation army